Telepsychiatry Can Help

Your mental health is important, especially during these stressful times. While we must take precautions to guard against the spread of the corona virus, it’s important to maintain mental health sessions if you are in the midst of getting treatment. If you are a new patient, it is important that your evaluation and start of treatment is not delayed, especially since the “end date” for this crisis is not certain.

            Thankfully, technology now allows mental health professionals to offer treatment remotely. People may have heard of telemedicine, which has been used for a while by primary care and other physicians to diagnose and treat patients at a distance, or where circumstances made a face-to-face visit impossible. The same opportunities are now available to mental health patients. I myself am already seeing what a boon they are to those in need.

How It Works

            I use HIPAA-approved technology called Thera-Link, and patients can rest assured that our sessions are conducted in confidence. The patient also does not need any sophisticated technology in order to participate in such a session—a simple laptop is fine. This will allow us to see each other during the session. Prior to the session, the patient coordinates with my office to provide the details needed to set up the session; an appointment is then scheduled, and at the appointed time, the patient and I connect via the videoconference website. Sessions are the same length as an in-office visit, and I can even prescribe medications online during the session if required. I have found that the patient and I have been able to communicate effectively and be as productive remotely as in a face-to-face session.

            As a physician I miss the personal connection. I like to see my patients face to face, to shake hands, to be fully present. But, in a world where currently this is not possible, telepsychiatry is a very useful tool.

Crisis Concerns

            During a crisis such as with the corona virus, mental health issues can sometimes become magnified. If a person was already feeling anxious or depressed, these feelings can start to feel unmanageable as each new day brings more concerns. If you have been considering treatment, but thought you needed to postpone due to the virus, please consider telepsychiatry. There is no reason to delay getting the help that you need now.

            For those who are in treatment, let this be a reminder that continuity is important when it comes to restoring and maintaining mental health.  Telepsychiatry can help you stay on track.

            Crises of this type can also make people feel isolated. However, I am finding that simply keeping regular appointments—even if in a different fashion—is helping reduce that feeling among my patients.

            If you want to learn more about telepsychiatry, or make an appointment, please call the office at (603) 431-5411 or email

New! Florida Telehealth Provider